Viruses are a part of life; spreading them doesn't have to be!
As a matter of policy, We believe in and support best practices in science.
With an emphasis on kindness & caring for others and ourselves,
Studio Origin updated policies as follows:
(Update policy 8/27/2024, further updates will reflect seasonality & community risks, under the advice of local immunologists)
As the end of summer cold/flu season has begun, many viruses are already on the rise here locally, and not everyone can easily recover from an infection due to heart, lung, cancer treatment, or other complications.
In-Studio Training
Updated on vaccinations? Assuming being symptom-free, etc (see above) and you are current on appropriate Influenza & COVID-19 vaccinations, please feel free to choose Masks Optional.
Not Vaccinated? Those not updated on Influenza & COVID-19 vaccinations can absolutely join in-studio by wearing a clean and properly fitted KN95 or N95 mask, or choose virtual sessions.
Regardless of Vaccination(s) Status
If you have any symptoms of viral infections (runny nose, cough, sore throat, GI nausea/pain, fever, etc.), you may choose to attend Virtually, or In-Studio by wearing a clean & properly fitted KN-95 or N-95 mask.
The same applies if you have recently been exposed to someone who has symptoms, or has a positive diagnosis. The options under these circumstances are:
1) wearing a quality mask
2) choosing virtual, even if you're assuming "it's just allergies" because of course, no one can just know if it's a virus without quality testing.
At the Studio, we're doing the best we can in these imperfect times.
Renata's Personal Note:
I greatly appreciate your understanding and your kindness as we all take appropriate actions to best protect the most vulnerable in our community, our loved ones, and ourselves.
Virtual Classes at Studio Origin
You don't have to miss out!
Your perfect childcare plans evaporated?
On vacation but still want to start the day strong?
Perhaps you just enjoy the ease and time efficiency of virtual training?
Whatever your reason we've got you covered!
Virtual private and small group training has become extremely popular! Since Spring 2020, we've adapted to develop quality virtual instruction as well as hybrid participation allowing virtual and in-person students to adapt to their circumstantial needs, and still continue to feel that important vibe of communal encouragement and joy!
Once you become an established client, you may purchase any mat-based class package of your choice, & apply to either in-person or virtual classes, on any given date. Many clients enjoy the freedom of this feature. Please note that all classes limit the number of attendees for the highest quality instruction. You can login to view open classes or contact Renata to discuss options.
Note: Apparatus classes/sessions by necessity are In-Studio.